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Using the placemats

When it comes to using these placemats, I would suggest using the following steps:
1) Write down what you know. DON'T LOOK AT YOUR NOTES! You want to know how much you know so that you can clearly identify what you need to work on.
2) Now you can look at your notes. Using a different colour pen, write down anything you have missed out that you think is important. For this step use class notes, the specification and your revision guides.
3) You have just created a resource that contains all the knowledge that you do know and the knowledge that you need to work on.
4) To commit what you don't know to memory, you should try and use active recall and spaced repetition (Ali Abdaal has amazing YouTube videos on this methods). This can be done on a plain sheet of paper.
5) Now attempt the placemat again, writing down what you know and correcting it in another colour. Use the 1st placemats that you created as this is essentially your answers for the placemat.

Using the placemats: Text
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